Houseplants in SF

Name Watering Period Exposure
Graptoveria Silver Star 7 days full sun
Pilea Peperomioides 2 weeks bright, indirect light
Ponytail Palm 2 weeks (4 weeks winter) full sun
Golden Pothos 2 weeks bright, indirect light
Bromeliad 7 days bright, indirect light
Black Pagoda Lipstick 7 days bright, indirect light
NJoy Pothos 7 days bright, indirect light
Silver Evergreen 7 days medium, indirect light
Cast Iron 2 weeks partial, shade

Graptoveria Silver Star

A popular succulent that needs plenty of sunshine. Its long, silver-green leaves can be tipped with red when “happily stressed”. Datasheet

Graptoveria Silver Star

Pilea Peperomioides

Also known as the “Chinese Money Plant”, the Pilea is a popular houseplant owing to its ease of care and large disk shaped leaves. Datasheet

Pilea Peperomioides

Ponytail Palm Tree

Native to many states of eastern Mexico, the Ponytail Palm tree is neither a palm nor a tree. In fact, it is a succulent and stores water for weeks in its bulbous trunk, making it a forgiving houseguest. Datasheet

Ponytail Palm

Golden Pothos

This pothos descends from a plant that has been in the family for 22 years and has travelled from San Diego, to a window-sill in south San Jose and now to our coffee table in San Francisco. Datasheet

Golden Pothos


Purchased on a whim during a trip to Home Depot, we recently learned that the attractive flower at the tip of our Bromeliad signals that it is near the ends of its life. We are investigating our options for propagating a cutting. Datasheet


Black Pagoda Lipstick

A flowering houseplant with unique leaves. We inherited this plant along with the NJoy Pothos, Silver Evergreen and Cast Iron from a colleague who moved out of state. Datasheet

Black Pagoda Lipstick

NJoy Pothos

Our second Pothos, this variety has a unique capitalization scheme in its name and attractive variated leaves. Datasheet

NJoy Pothos

Silver Evergreen

The silver evergreen has an attractive hue and is one of hte larger plants in our collection. The previous owner was impressed to see how large it had grown to be! Datasheet

Silver Evergreen

Cast Iron

The cast iron is the largest plant in our collection and has long lance-shaped leaves (the longest of which are almost 2ft long). It is another native of the asian continent. Datasheet

Cast Iron

NB: arranged in order of acquisition.